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Since 1922

Saubusse Thermal

Since 1922.

An independent spa with its source of French thermal water

Operated since 1922 by the Laborde family, Saubusse Thermal owes its reputation to the quality of its thermal waters.

A thermal center located in the south of France between Dax and Hossegor, between ocean and forest, a comfortable complex, bright and warm, in the heart of nature.

Indeed, its virtues in Rheumatology and Phlebology are no longer to be proven thanks to studies from Thermathrose and Thermes & Veines that demonstrated the effectiveness of our cures.

Landes’ spa closest to the Atlantic Ocean, Saubusse Thermal offers an adaptation of the beneficent virtues of its thermal waters through a range of cosmetics that will make your body happy.

Our water in thermal medicine

Since man discovered the virtues of thermal waters, over 2000 years ago, thermal medicine has demonstrated its effectiveness on many types of pathologies.
France, for example, counts many beneficial water sources whose therapeutic virtues are recognized by the Academy of Medicine.

A few years ago, thermal medicine published its white book allowing for new horizons for natural medicine with the help of mineral waters.

Pour réaliser ces cures thermales ou des produits de soins à base d’eau thermale, l’eau doit être préservée dans son état de pureté originelle et exempte de toute contamination. Elle ne doit évidemment pas être traitée. Ces activités demandent ainsi une grande précision et une maîtrise de la qualité de tous les instants.
The Aquacert certification Aquacert s’adresse à tous les centres de médecine thermale ainsi qu’aux produits cosmétiques ou pharmaceutiques constitués d’eau thermale. It ensures the highest level of quality and safety.

Our source ofthermal water, a mineral water rich in trace elements that we use daily for our rheumatology and phlebology care to treat more than 2100 patients every year in our thermal center.

A natural mineral water at 39 ° C, concentrated in sulfur, which gives it soothing virtues.

It is naturally heated and contains many minerals following its path in different soils.

The water is also known for its anti-inflammatory benefits.

certified water AQUACERT is the quality-safety certification of water professionals.

L’eau, élément essentiel à la vie et omniprésente sur notre planète, dont le cycle complexe passe par le corps humain, est souvent banalisée et illustrée sous sa forme la plus simple. Malgré cela, l’eau demeure un élément complexe et porteur du meilleur comme du pire, capable de régénérer ou d’empoisonner suivant ce qu’elle transporte.

Au quotidien, l’homme la consomme, mais l’emploie également depuis des siècles pour détendre, soulager ou même soigner. Qu’il s’agisse de soins thermaux pour des enfants ou de gestion d’une piscine publique ou encore d’un spa de bien-être, nous attribuons, à l’eau, différentes vertus, différentes qualités, pour différents besoins.

Aquacert makes it possible to control and certify all these type of waters in all their forms and offers the public as well as professionals the safest way to use healthy water.

Our thermal water, constantly surveilled

For our thermal water to be used we have a compulsory control by the services of the ARS and the University of Bordeaux throughout the year.

For our sprays, we have also added dermatological, clinical, hypoallergenicity, and usage test studies.

We review our product continuously which allows us to be 100% sure of the quality of thermal water source, and to benefit the general public. Let’s enjoy this natural resource.